Look what I just found! Scandinaviastuff.com. At the After Ski we got some Swedish Marabou chocolate from danish Maria, and that made me start thinking of swedish candy and food! Maybe I should order some sweets, or the herring I never had for Christmas… Or Christine and I talked for a few days ago how nice it would be with Rosehip soup (nypon soppa) with ice cream and bisquits. Mmmmmm.
And I want some shopping aswell! Does anyone know a good internetsite for clothes in Canada or the US? Here in Banff it’s impossible to find any clothes. And to order from the swedish sites will be way to expensive to send over here. Or maybe there’s any lovely person back home, that’s thinking of sending me something? In that case, here’s my adress!
Emelie Persson
General Delivery
Banff AB T1L1H1
But please let me know if you send me anything, because if I don’t go to the post office and check now and then, they will thorugh the packeges away…

The swedish gang, me, Amanda, Christine and Malin. And finally I got the chance to ski again, I miss it a lot. How much would it be to send over my skiboots, any ideas? I’m thinking about getting a pair of skis over here, but that money issue is kind of in the way…

You should check out ae.com, very nice clothes but not so expensive! 😀