Hiking Guide for Himmeltindan in Lofoten

Himmeltindan hiking guide

This post contains ad links but is written from my own personal recommendations

A steep hike takes you to the highest mountain in central Lofoten of Vestvågøya island with amazing views of white beaches


We started our hike against Himmeltindan at six o’clock in the evening. We started from Haukland Beach and had about two hours of hiking in front of us. Thanks to the midnight sun, we had plenty of time and did not feel stressed to start the hike late at night. The fact is that you could go even later, it never gets dark! The heat had settled so it was pleasant to get up. The walk itself was quite steep almost all the way. We encountered some who had trouble with the shoes, it was easy to hurt the wrists if you did not have proper shoes. Again, I’m so pleased with my hiking boots I bought for this trip!


As we got up on the flat part of the top we set up the tent. It was another half hour left to get to the highest top but as it was only rocks there we saved that bit to the next day. It was windy on this top as well so it was nice to be able to trust the tent for such conditions! It’s not easy to find a place with no wind if you want the best view at the same time.


It was so beautiful in every direction and the sunset became magical. We had visits by some curious sheep. The next morning we woke up to an other nice day the and we went to the highest point. The very highest point is unreachable due to the military who had put n radar there. We got to see new views and mountains after mountain are rising as far as the eye can reach.


Then we started to walk back down. Charlie got track of a bird and we thought he’d thrown himself out of the cliffs. The pulse went up I can guarantee! But Charlie came back after a while’s searching and was happy as usual haha.


Have a look at ut.no and 68 North for more detailed routes.


4,6 km
2 h 15 min enkel väg
904 m
Highest point: 
915 möh




3 thoughts on “Hiking Guide for Himmeltindan in Lofoten

  1. Glad I enjoyed the post! Congrats for all your travels, your work, and pictures !!!! 🙂

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