Puha, I’m so tired all the time! I have to start drinking lots of redbulls because this is not working. Sleeping can be done in another life, I always used to say. But when you approach the age of 25 you realize that you’re getting old, and constantly tired! And then you realize that sleep is underestimated. Damn how great it is to sleep. And damn how horrible it is to get up at 6 o’clock in the morning. Will I ever get used to that? Anyways, it’s probably best to go to sleep now so I’m able to be awake during the upcoming New Years! Good night!
Hej. Var rädd om dig och se till att få sova ut i bland. Fina bilder på er. Chrisse är väldigt lik en skådespelare på en av bilderna. Kommer ej på namnet nu.
Du får ha ett riktigt gott slut och gott nytt år.
Kramar Pappa