It was a while ago since I updated here, but things are happening all the time and today is the first day on ages I sit and relax at home. However, it’s over a week since mum, Oscar and Josefin left Banff and it was sad to say goodbye to them.
But they had the best weeks of the season here in Banff. The weather was insane. The week started with warm weather, +15c in Banff and strong sun on hill, and in the end of the week they could experience some fresh snow. They were riding groomers, slush and powder in the same week and it couldn’t be more perfect than that!
I’m so happy you made it over here, we had such a great time (even though it was intense and I’m still not recovered haha). Thank’s for everything! <3
Mum riding some pow
We went to the hot springs
All of us were supposed to go tubing, but the family was not sure if it was worth the money or not. I decided to do a test run because I got it for free, so I went up on the magic carpet with my own tube and the GoPro all on my own. I felt like the biggest kid ever, and a bit retarded haha. I took the ”hardest” run they had, put up the GoPro and filmed myself, laughing so much for feeling like a geek. Hahaha the family could then watch the movie and they decided that they had probably more fun laughing about me than riding the tubes themselfs. Another time then I guess…
An elk in the garden
Jag vill ha din ljusa bild i stället för min mörka!